Money goes out, smiles follow
Several Rossmoor Woman’s Club officers have spent time this summer delivering financial donations to some of the local non-profits the group aids. In June, outgoing President Susan Denley, incoming President Sue Goldberg and Treasurer Lorena Bartlett delivered checks to The Youth Center, which provides after-school care and educational opportunities for children and teens; We Care, which aids financially struggling families; and St. Isidore Historical Plaza, which has preserved the former St. Isidore Chapel, the oldest public building in Los Alamitos, and turned it into a community center.
In early July, Los Alamitos Museum Association President Marilyn Poe was all smiles after Rossmoor Woman's Club President Sue Goldberg, right in the photo, and Dean Beverly Rigney, left, presented her a with a check to support the museum's upkeep. Beaming in the background are, from left, museum board members Debbie Kent, Shelly Appling, Myrt Perisho and Myrna Hudson.

In total, the woman’s club donated more than $36,000 to local charities and scholarships from funds we raised during the fiscal year that ended June 30. Most of this came from our two major fundraisers, the Holiday Bazaar in December and Spring Garden Tour in May. Our thanks to all our sponsors and participants for helping us help our community!