Make a Difference
Your support is important to our work at Rossmoor Woman's Club. There are many ways you can contribute towards our causes -- becoming a member, helping sponsor one of our fund-raising events, or donating goods and services. Every little bit that you commit goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more about how you can get involved and take advantage of the opportunity to do some good.
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Make a Difference
Your support is important to our work at Rossmoor Woman's Club. There are many ways you can contribute towards our causes -- becoming a member, helping sponsor one of our fund-raising events, or donating goods and services. Every little bit that you commit goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more about how you can get involved and take advantage of the opportunity to do some good.
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Make a Difference
Your support is important to our work at Rossmoor Woman's Club. There are many ways you can contribute towards our causes -- becoming a member, helping sponsor one of our fund-raising events, or donating goods and services. Every little bit that you commit goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more about how you can get involved and take advantage of the opportunity to do some good.
Join the Club
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Make a Difference
Your support is important to our work at Rossmoor Woman's Club. There are many ways you can contribute towards our causes -- becoming a member, helping sponsor one of our fund-raising events, or donating goods and services. Every little bit that you commit goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more about how you can get involved and take advantage of the opportunity to do some good.
Join the Club
Help Us Soar
Make a Difference
Your support is important to our work at Rossmoor Woman's Club. There are many ways you can contribute towards our causes -- becoming a member, helping sponsor one of our fund-raising events, or donating goods and services. Every little bit that you commit goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more about how you can get involved and take advantage of the opportunity to do some good.
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Help Us Soar
From the Youth Center in Los Alamitos: "We are forever grateful to have the Rossmoor Woman's Club as a friend and supporter of The Youth Center. For many years, they have provided both financial and volunteer assistance. It has been wonderful working side-by-side with them! They are passionate about supporting the community's children and are an absolute treasure. Thank you so much for your kindness and support!"
From the Bethune Center in Long Beach: "The Rossmoor Woman’s Club has been so giving in providing some of these basic necessities to our students that do not often have these items on a regular basis. This morning one of our families came in that are going from motels to an uncle’s house to a friend’s house. We provided three of the goody bags [you made] to her three children that are enrolled in our district.
Again, we want to thank the amazing Rossmoor Woman’s Club members for not only providing your time, energy and financial support in getting the goody bags together, but putting them in cute gift bags. We notice all of those little details and truly appreciate your kindness and generosity."
From the W. family: “I would like to truly thank you for your gifts. You women helped me and my son and brought joy in a time that’s so hard.”
From The Long Beach Ronald McDonald House: “Thank you so much for your generous gift.... This simple fundraiser benefits so many. We appreciate your support of our ‘house that love built.’ ”
From Pathways to Independence: “Your generous donation….makes a positive difference in the support provided for our 50 clients…..I thank you for your generosity and caring.”
From the VA Long Beach Health Care System: “Please accept our sincere thanks for your support, interest and concern in the welfare of our hospitalized Veterans.”
From Precious Life Shelter: “I would like to acknowledge your monetary gifts and thank you for your continued generosity. By showing your loving support through a donation, you help us provide for the continued care of our residents and their babies.”
From Casa Youth Shelter: “Your gift…will enable our shelter to continue providing our teens with basic needs like food, clothing and shelter, as well as life skills and critical counseling to help them through their crises….We would not be able to do this without supporters like you.”
From We Care: “[Your] donation will provide the opportunity for many individuals to rebuild their lives and support themselves and their children. It warms my heart and gives me hope for the future when people take the time to help our families.”
From St. Isidore Historical Plaza: “[We] thank the Rossmoor Woman’s Club for their extremely generous support of this organization. Your donation will help to insure our mission to preserve this historic site for our community and future generations.”